Spencer Wells

Author and Professor, Cornell University

The Unforeseen Cost of Civilization
27 minutes, 12.7mb, recorded 2010-07-13

Dr. Moira Gunn talks with Cornell professor and author, Spencer Wells, discussing the contents of his new book 'Pandora’s Seed: The Unforeseen Cost of Civilization' where he voices misgivings about the breakthrough to farming 10,000 years ago, spurred by climate change. Nowadays, Wells contends, we are both stultified and overstimulated, cut off from the land and alienated from one other, resulting in mental illness and violent fundamentalism.


This free podcast is from our Tech Nation series.

For The Conversations Network:

  • Post-production audio engineer: Paul Figgiani
  • Website editor: Robb Lepper
  • Series producer: Robb Lepper